Lymm Gardening ClubNewsClematis Named After UsLymm Gardening Club’s speaker on 19 April was the clematis enthusiast Ken Black. During his enlightening talk, he brought out a beautifully subtle white and lime green clematis which, he said, he’d propagated as a new plant.To his delight it had flowered for the first time on the day he came to speak to us. Ken proposed to call this brand new clematis ‘Lymm Gardening Club’ in our honour. And an honour it certainly is. He is going to register it with The British Clematis Society and hopes to be able to provide us with a plant of our own. Here is Ken with Caroline Henderson, our Chair, and ‘Lymm Gardening Club’, a large flowered hybrid clematis. Ken’s website is kenblackclematis.com and is full of useful information on growing clematis. Village Hall GardenAs a garden club we look after the garden outside the village hall on Pepper Street. Alison Precious does a wonderful job of organising this and we ask members to volunteer to look after the garden for two week slots throughout most of the year. We also have an area which is planted up by Caroline Henderson with herbs and vegetables which is a community area and anyone passing is welcome to help themselves to the produce.
We are very pleased that this year Lymm Village was awarded a gold medal for the 'Lymm in Bloom' competition. A big thank you to all those who helped look after the garden. Charity Plant SaleThis year's plant sale took place an Saturday 18th May. The Plant Sale raised £1555.00 for the following charities:- A big thank you to everyone who donated plants, bought plants or helped in any way. General News and EventsPlease see events page. Back to topWelcome | Programme | Trips | Local Events | News| Contacts | Links |